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General Courtney Hicks Hodges
Courtney Hicks Hodges (born January 5, 1887, Perry, Georgia , U.S.—died January 16, 1966, San Antonio , Texas) American army officer who...
Perry Georgia
Perry, the seat of Houston County, is sometimes called the “Crossroads of Georgia” because the Interstate 75 and U.S. Highway 41...
Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry
The city of Perry, GA was named in honor of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, who was an American naval commander and a hero of the War of...
New Perry Hotel
N ew Perry Hotel, National Archives Catalog In 1833, shortly after Perry was established as the seat of Houston County, a hotel known as...
U.S. Senator Sam Nunn
Sam Nunn represented Georgia for twenty-four years in the U.S. Senate, where he distinguished himself by his passion for legislation...
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